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Passionate about supporting wellbeing and happiness

How can I help?

  • 1:1 Sessions

    1:1 sessions to support your wellbeing, clear unwanted emotions, and help you to lead your happiest life.

    Find out more
  • A little about 'Tapping'  &  a little About Me

    Emotional Freedom Technique (sometimes known as 'Tapping') can be used to reduce or eliminate unwanted emotions, calm your nervous system and help you to relax.  It's great for anxiety, phobias, clearing past events and coping with the stresses of daily life.

    It's quick and easy to learn, fast-acting and can be used anytime and anywhere.

    I am passionate about supporting the wellbeing and happiness of others and empowering them through easy to use techniques to manage unwanted emotions.

    I am a certified and accredited Advanced EFT Practitioner based in the North West of the UK.

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  • 1:1 Sessions

    1:1 sessions to support your wellbeing, clear unwanted emotions, and help you to lead your happiest life.

    Find out more
  • Here at Taptree Therapy I offer a limited number of 1:1 private sessions, small group lessons, as well as supporting young people and adults in the Education System.

    1:1 sessions available on Monday to Friday, including evening appointments.

    Online group sessions are on Saturday mornings on request.

      I'd love to hear from you.

    Please contact Taptree Therapy with any questions or comments via the Contact page or using contact@taptree-therapy.co.uk

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